Family Law Mediation Services

Mediation Lawyer
in Mesa Arizona

Thinking about divorce? Choose a smoother route with Brown Family Law. Our founder, Marco Brown, is an expert mediator who can help you and your spouse reach a fair settlement through mediation, reducing time, costs, and emotional stress.

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Mediation: A Fast and Affordable Alternative to Litigation

At Brown Family Law, we strongly encourage couples to consider mediation as part of their divorce process or for resolving other family law issues. Our founder, Marco Brown, is an experienced mediator offering services in Mesa, Arizona. He can act as your mediation attorney, advocating for your interests, or as a neutral mediator, assisting you and your spouse in reaching a mutually acceptable settlement. Once a settlement is achieved, our attorneys can draft the agreement for both parties to sign and submit to the courts.

Mediation offers several benefits over traditional divorce litigation. It’s much faster, more cost-effective, and less stressful for all parties involved. Mediation also allows both individuals to have more control over the decisions that will impact their futures, and it remains private, unlike court proceedings that become part of the public record.

Our firm can mediate a variety of disputes, including:

  • Divorce
  • Post-divorce issues
  • Child custody
  • Personal injury

To learn more about mediation, please visit our mediation FAQs page.

We understand how challenging these situations can be. Our Mesa, Arizona mediation lawyers are here to help you resolve your issues quickly, efficiently, and with minimal stress and expense. We proudly serve clients throughout Arizona.

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What Makes Brow Family Law Different

At Brown Family Law, we understand that focusing on children’s well-being positively impacts their parents as well.

At Brown Family Law, we understand that focusing on children’s well-being positively impacts their parents as well.

At Brown Family Law, we understand that focusing on children’s well-being positively impacts their parents as well.

At Brown Family Law, we understand that focusing on children’s well-being positively impacts their parents as well.